Friday, June 14, 2019

Dirt from foreign powers

In July 2016, the Obama administration accepted unsolicited information from Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat who just happened to have helped arrange a $25 million government donation to the Clinton Foundation years before. Downer said that he had witnessed a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, bragging about some dirt that the Russians supposedly had on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Hysterics do not get clues,  an effect of hysteria, the brain is not rational when hysterics are running around doing the boo hoos.

Hysteria affects the NRA mommy boys, their fear of castration. It effects dumbshit Montana cowboys who freak out and start wars. Mass hysteria is a national disease, extremely costly. Republicans suffer it almost as much as Dems. The cure is Trump, telling it like it is and that is why he will win.

Remember, we have our MMT and our overlap coming. The last thing we need is a bunch of economists and pundits lying to the electorate.

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