Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bearing Arms: You to can have sex with steel pipes

Dallas Federal Courthouse Shooting Ended By Good Guys With Guns

First, the shooter was armed with an AR-15, but the only fatality was himself. Contrast that with the Toronto attack for a moment. In that incident, 10 people were killed with a motor vehicle.Do you still want to tell me that AR-15s are too deadly?Second, while the target was technically a gun free zone, what the shooter in question failed to account for is that there’s still going to be armed security. That armed security responded quickly and prevented a bad situation from becoming a bloodbath.

Let us point out the man with the AR15 was a Bearing Arms nutcase, the person who shot him was a normal regulated security agent.  One broke the second amendment, the other enforced it; the part about regulated militias.

The answer, therefore, if you see a Bearing Arms nutcase with an AR15, shot him quick, the nut is likely one of those with the castration complex, he is dangerously having sex with steel pipes.   What kind of sexual deviant creates a web site devoted to males having sex with steel pipes? 

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