Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Kevin Drum repeating a lie

Medicaid Expansion Is Nearly Free, But Republicans Won’t Take It Anyway

Republicans prefer earmarks, and Obamacare squeezes earmarks out of the budget. And small states push this trade almost always in the House and senate, less Obamacare, more earmarks.

Dems typically repeat this lie on cue vis the talking points. This lie has cost them four out of five elections by my count.  This lie, repeated over and over will result in a Trump win as it is exposed in the budget over the next two years.  So I expect stupid Dems to repeat this lie until they lose> Kevin is certainly helping, he should stick to herding for little browns.

I think Krugman leads the talking point system and in exchanges of e mails the group decides which lies to promulgate. The Obamacare lie is always first lie, and always Obamacare gets exposed as the lie it is.

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