Friday, June 21, 2019

Mark Carney going full sandbox

  • Develop the infrastructure to make cross-border payments more efficient and cheaper, including through richer messaging standards
  • Create an API to improve information retrieval and sharing from payment systems
  • Champion trusted digital identification
  • Embrace the cloud
  • Support an 'air traffic control' for major projects, bringing all regulators together
  • Promote AI and machine learning but establish a working group on their ethical use
  • Support better credit files for SMEs
  • Boost protection against cyber-risks through better data recovery and cyber-exercises
  • Embrace digital regulation
Mostly right on target, but I need to remind Mark that congestion pricing for central banking accounts ism quite important for uniform economies of scale.  We can all have access to Fed accounts anywhere, but we must be willing to aggregate via entry and exit congestion pricing for all the reasons I have discussed elsewhere.

However, making a structured queue to manage account entry and exit also can handle the collateral issue, leaving pure risk adjusted automated S/L banking. This is what I capitulated to, three color banking at the central bank. A necessity because of the hard bound caused by right to coin.

Like Shinzo, Mark needs to consult with Timmy, he is the new sandbox manager. (Took my job).

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