Thursday, June 20, 2019

Partial proof of concept

Note this chart on business investment. When did we get the boost in investment? When there was no real president. Obama left, and Trump was floundering. During that period of normalcy in the Swamp, we got business investment.

As soon as any of our bozo presidents does something, business investment is gone. Example, business investment slowed or stopped the day Obamacare passed and we were all hit with a $500/month tax.  This is a tell tale chart, and it matches the voting pattern. Obamacare cost the Dems some 4 of 5 elections, and Trump is likely to lose the re-election.

At this point the Dems have one goal, get Kamala out of the primaries and hope the voters forget about Calizuela. If the Dems can bury Kamala, the election goes to Biden. If Kamala is hanging around, then you can be sure most of America will be scared to death of failed state. Dump Kamala, this is very good advice, the easiest path to defeating Trump..

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