Monday, June 10, 2019

Step zero people and toilets are costly

$300K Anually For One Bathroom For L.A.’S Homeless?
Consider all of the complications involved. Portable facilities need to be emptied on a daily basis and cleaned regularly to tamp down on the spread of disease. Considering where they will be placed and the problems with violence in those areas, each of the bathroom/shower stations have to be manned around the clock. And who are you going to hire to perform that tasty job, and how much would you have to pay someone to do it? It would have to be someone who can handle themselves in a potentially violent situation most likely someone who is armed. (At least with crowd control equipment if not actual firearms.)You’re basically talking about an entirely new branch of city government devoted to nothing but toilets and showers for the homeless. And if you can figure out a way to manage a budget in the tens of millions to do all this work, not to mention the cost of city personnel to organize and manage the effort, perhaps there’s another way to deal with this. You won’t need to provide thousands of portable bathrooms and showers if you get rid of the homelessness problem driving the need for them.
These are folks who cannot even live indoors, mostly brain damaged from drugs and or bad parenting.  We citizens of Calizueala cannot afford to parent adults.

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