Saturday, June 8, 2019

That is a big 'If'

The Muslim Brotherhood and Washington's misguided Middle East policy

If the US wants to deal constructively with the region, it must seriously engage with political Islam.
Boldface mine:

I doubt we want to deal constructively with Muslin Brothers, or their Sisters. They all seem a bit nutty if you haven't noticed.
It is disgusting and embarrassing for a people like Americans to deal politically with nut case religions.  Just look at the trouble we have with Alabama churches, nutty as fuck. We have a constitutional amendment that says we have the right to ignore nutty religions, politicially, and we are exercising that right.
My preference is to let Iran and Syria deal with Muslim Brothers, Sisters, Fathers and Mothers.  Iran and Syria are the more sensible Jack Muslims, Muslims with less nuttiness.  So send Iran, they love to chase Camel Jockey Mohummerdudes, leave California out of it.

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