Monday, June 10, 2019

This is why we default

Chao created special path for McConnell’s favored projects

It is not that Chao is a fucked up bonehead, it is that Chao and McConnell are fucked up boneheads.

They should have know this will result in embarrassing news.  The two of them make stupid an art form. This is an absolute cause for wealthy people to never pay taxes.  We have stupid in the Swamp, rich people are too smart to pay taxes, and most of the dumbshits in Kentucky can pay for this shit.

And, certainly Obama would pull similar stunts. The rule is, if you vote for this crap, you pay for it, I am still on my 20 year tax avoidance.

This is also why we do not do infrastructure, the payoffs and bribes and back pension deals drain the money and there is nothing left.

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