Sunday, June 16, 2019

True Economics is worth some Penny Clicks

S&P 500 companies earnings and revenues are heading for another round of de-diversification (increasing concentration of earnings and revenues toward the U.S. markets), per Factset latest data:

The blog said, followed by a histogram.

What is this about? Skew in the generator, stuff I look at when running SP500 through my Huffman encoder, then print my map and spot the imbalance.   Something else got less skew, it should be conserved in the channel.  In other words, this is fitting in with the bond channel, ultimately, and gets exogenous shocks from volatility in the bond market.  Structured queues, 'items per basket', over multiple checkout counters.

But the Penny Click remark.  If penny clickers are running, then these kinds of comparisons become widely resolved, sooner; products and solutions arrive in an intelligent trade press.  Bandwidth on the internet much more efficiently used.  We deal in a world where centers of symmetry can be found with some temporary big data snooping; sort of run time big data. We are extending the edge of sandbox by slightly pricing the semantics of the specialized discussions.  This is kind of a huge jump, Singularity 2.0.

The join machine and the join rules, just a mechanical contraption, the match function not too informative in default.  But, when we are pricing he semantics of titles and key words, the channel is optimized; that is called reading. Robotic reading, including grammar generators learned as my clicks price them as I see them.  But private, between me and any bot services. Sand box is a world of obey and protect, I can voluntarily exit while assured the bot collective obeys my privacy contract. So, I have a bot collective, at my disposal with ad hoc transaction fees. My bot can verify a ledger trade with an escrow router, I can trust the router up to a counterfeit of small probability.

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