Saturday, June 15, 2019

We know exactly how much Hillary paid for the dossier

Vox on dirt:
Mueller concluded in his report that “candidate-related opposition research given to a campaign for the purpose of influencing an election could constitute a contribution to which the foreign-source ban could apply,” but added that the issue hadn’t really been tested in court and could also have freedom of speech implications.
Ultimately, Mueller declined to prosecute Trump Jr. because he said he could not prove that the president’s son “knowingly” or “willfully” broke the law, and because it was extremely difficult to assess how much the opposition research would have been valued.
That statute that governs these campaign finance law requires a threshold of at least $2,000 for a misdemeanor and more than $25,000 for a felony. Those attending the Trump Tower meetings testified that they didn’t receive any dirt, so Mueller concluded that it would be very difficult to assess the value of the information, making it hard to prove a campaign finance violation beyond a reasonable doubt.
And it was delivered to the FBI, though in actuality, the FBI was involved in the scam from day one.  The foreign intelligence on Trump was likely a complete FBI or CIA fabrication. So, likely different charges against Hillary and the FBI will be forthcoming.

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