Sunday, June 9, 2019

When our mathematician put Zeta into Linbladian

A reserch pper which was quite fun, and I did not understand.

Consider the rules o motion, minimize the use of the commutative property needed to stabilize a specific Avogadro's number. In other words, given the conserved count of things, what set of primes minimizes the operation count for accurate multiplication, to the integer number line.

Solve it to Planck, corresponding to 6e23 Avogadro, , and you need an analytic continuation of Zeta to find residual imaginary axis, create the hologram axis.

Sandbox knows our Avogadro's for any  given open pit will be 15 orders of magnitude less, with comparatively humongous uncertainty.    We will be doing pattern matching to find the optimal restricted channels in the chaos. This is just like taking the Lindbladian and scaling Planck way up, limiting to fixed N, and reconstructing primitive Hamiltonions, by search,  like: 'part of congestion fees pay right to coin'. The forensics is mostly about boundary conditions where sructured queues appear and relative pricing revealed. Hard bounds need more commutative property, generating restricted flow.

'Doing eta' informally is me picking a 15 year contract with renewal. I want no relative coprime with the House, and I want the Senate to extend their look beyond the 6-12 year term.  The senators will always feel the gains from the current contract, and put off their complaints until renewal.

Note Trump says 2T over the next four years. He is election planning. The contract ups the ante, the fourth estate wants Trump to declare for 15 years.  I think our small Avogadro's limits that contract term, the New Fed needs that new right to coin channel, it is upping the colors in the tree trunk.

We are putting the fourth estate slightly ahead of the senate. At huge cost in the first 15 years, because the New Fed will be fending off old Moore's Law costs.  But the New Fed expects humongous endogenous gains as it goes full sandbox. Then the News Fed competes well with JPM Net, or Facebook Channel, Apple iBanker, Google Manager,......

But we all benefit from a generation jump in Moore's Law banking, especially government agencies with more direct S/L banking.  Great smart cards become smarter  and legal for all. We reach the equilibrium on the second or third contract renewal, we will all simply pay a 1/5 to 3/4 point tax on dollar transactions, right to coin tax, and it will vary somewhat but collecting will be right off our smart card, digital bearer asset to Fed tax collection service. Voluntary, we are still sandbox free, but extremely efficient.

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