Thursday, July 25, 2019

Google vs Yahoo search engines

I was searching for AOC's vote on the budget, interested in whether she finally kicked can, she did with a yes vote.

I couldn't find the answer on google, had to use the yahoo engine.  Part of the problem was gated listings google puts up, one has to skip past two pages of material, but even then, no hint of what AOC's vote was, google missed the politico article which noted the 'Squad' vote.

Goggle is pushing the middle of the road liberals, the Pelosi wing.  Her talking points are a bit higher up in the 'matching' function for searches.  This is recent, actually, google really has taken sides, and they are not choosing AOC. By extension google is not supporting our MMT moment, they are likely can kickers. They are not on AOC's side, not that it matters, once a can kicker, always a can kicker.  AOC will not be attending MMT meetup.

Google is not likely to support sandbox, sadly.

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