Saturday, July 27, 2019

Smoking gun

MS-13 gang created beachhead at Valley high school, but authorities insisted on secrecy

Soft non profit money funds the hush up, that money is cartel donated.  The machine is a hoist of Latino non-profits, news, action committees.  They legitimately preach helping the kids, but the center of their work is always free entry and exit across the border. From Calizuela to middle America, have a nice election.

This story has legs, and so does the other m13 murder story going around. We get these in New York and New Jersey.  Intermixed are stories from everywhere about drug traffic arrests, fentanyl and meth. Mostly from California, and lessly from Texas and New Mexico.

This is a tough nut to crack for all the diversity candidates who want that border open. We have Venezuela, Mexico (just broke the murder record). Then we have the state actors who can, and likely are, lowering the price of precursors.  This is not a winning environment for Kamala or Liz or Castro.. How does Kamala and Liz justify busing the kids into these infernos?

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