Monday, July 29, 2019

My drone worked

My curiosity about making drones from Dollar Tree materials, except electronics, proven true. I took my foam airplane, with a five foot wing span and taxied about the back yard. I noticed that when boosting power to full, it is up in the air in 15 minutes.

My plane is gobs of glue, scotch tape, foam. popsicle sticks, craft dowels and wood plies, all dollar each..

My plan is to upgrade to GPS, then I can throw it in the air, in my backyard, and it will fly itself legally in the empty lot down the street.  I don't even need to leave the house for my new bot to have a nice day. Give it a camera, keep an eye on the neighborhood, elecronics in total, less than $200. I can use wifi, mount a smart phone in the fuselage.

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