Thursday, July 25, 2019

RC hobbyists make these for a thousand dollars

Iranian drone
And that thousand dollars includes GSP, gyros, and visual observation.

It likely takes the military a hundred grand missile to shoot them down.  This is asymmetric war, foam board drones, a hundred of them, would overwhelm the US military in the straits. Add some battery power and these thing easily fly a hundred miles, electric, making their cost drop even further.

Let us add some complications. Send 20 of these foam board deices and within the group all one needs is one drone with a few pounds of TNT.  Blow a small hole in the top deck, nothing serious, but the ship crew has to stop operations and repair the minor damage.

Trump has managed t spread troops all over the middle east, each of our bases is subject to drown attacks as the Saudis found out. Iran is on home soil, the US has to travel 11,000 miles to resupply.  That Kushner kid, and Bolton,  have create a huge mess and Trump is too uneducated to figure it out.

What is worse, if the US attacks the Iranian home front, the Iran can easily attack the US home front.  Setting up a covert operation inside the USA is easy stuff for the IRG and their drowns. They could assemble them in a house somewhere.  During wear just release them to blow crap up.

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