Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The one big tarball

The connective tissue for this round of Moore and Morse; crypto, specifically biometric crypto.

The problems solved go deeper than sandbox. Solutions extend into data protection, vehicle security. It is a way to track NRA nutcases, protect government data from insiders. bio-rypto security is creeping into all tech markets, except traditional money. It will be big in cars, drones, planes,  and data security.  Tamper proof is getting real, and becoming handheld.

Oddly, the hysterical fear of MMT is making sandbox the laggard in adopting smart card. The new liquidity nets are going through start/stop activations while legislatures attempt a clue.  Here is a clear path for Tim and NSA, have a sit down, note each concern and pay-off, make an agreement, just give it a time limit that is reasonable, and an option for renewal.  Move the tarball a tiny bit, see what happens.

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