Sunday, July 14, 2019

Somalian failed state?

Trump tells progressive freshman congresswomen to 'go back' to their 'broken and crime infested' countries

Calizuela, failed Hispanic state? Give us immigrant who understand separation of powers.

Somalia is the most dangerous violent state, according to these stats. So what is the likelihood that a Somalian tent lady is bringing wisdom?

This is not a white supremacy challenge.  We have lived with Hispanic state, we are part Hispanic state, Hispanic state fail the separation of powers test, smart Hispanics know this. It is ethnic prejudice, or ethnic culture, however. It refers back to Spanish idiots who never really managed to get separation of powers, in Europe.

e cannot afford government where separation powers is fouled AOC intends to foul that up. I am not giving the Dems any moral authority here, they deserve none, this is an observation of cultures that have failed states. Dems can fake it all they want go herd cows.

De Blasio says Biden 'absolutely' has to answer for Obama-era ICE deportations

OK, DaBlowsio considers Joe to be a Nazi baby killer. Got it. Obama was none too happy about living in a Somalian failed state. Rational anxiety overrules.

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