Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Hobbynet uses discount coin tech

I got sall set for a rip to HobbyTown, part of my market research on all foam, Dollar Tree RC planes.  Everything ready, half way up I remembered my discount coin, a bear asset that came with an on line order, paper coin, it offered me 20% off a large purchase at a local store.

Under Apple ID, the merchant can us a cloud app that manages a diswcount coin, just call it discount digi cash.  Then, on my trip to HobbyTown I take my iPod, and the hobby contract is running under AppleID, my discount  digicoins are protected with no double counting. The cloud keep an account of digicoins, of HobbyTown coins.

This applies to any liquidity cnes I sign up for, they all use the same discount coin software, just rebrand it for their own distribution, and the AppleID application knows how to dual price in dollars plus digicoins.  So, everyone should be getting iPods or equivalent hard, intelligent wallet punning under secure ID, then all our person contracts managed for us.

The other thing is spoofing foes away.
The secure ID has a point to point contract with the supplier, and if the supplier transfers sales up to some agglomerate, the contract can specify, secud ID app will know, and I no longer worry,'Hey, the URL changed' durg payments. which is a real drag.

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