Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Colliditron is pushing into Quarkdom

I re-arranged the sequence management. The spreadsheet calculates in its own chain, so I have always had 'If' statements to ensure counting down the sequence. I changed that by calling the dependencies as arguments, and the thing speeded up. It is now pushing BlackHolitrons all the up to Quarkitrons. I now collect the 4096 calculated bit word in chunks, 16 at a time, at each sequence point. But one has to be selective about which bits to look at, 400 plots for each of the 80 sequence points is too much. Plus the fact I need to double my sequence points, which should be proportional to the order (108). The bits can be plotted together with their scale factor.

I set up a page to the right, on this blog, to publish the latest versions of the Basic, and soon the spreadsheet formulas.

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