Thursday, April 17, 2014

Shannon stability and Shannon separability must be related

I just have been a dimwith in physics.

My wave number if relative sample rate, so the Compton relationship is:

[Null quant]/[wave quant] 

which should always come out close to 1/2, because the wave number is twice the quant number in twos binary when the wave and packed nulls are contiguous.

The Compton relationship is correct, it tells us that gravity quants has to be way the heck out in free space to be stable, otherwise the electron will eat the thing. But way the hell out there is relative to the proton. By itself it tells us nothing until I figure out the sample rate of the vacuum, about 10e40 or there abouts, huge. But I am hesitant to do that because the sample rate of the vacuum is an important number, and I am likely to get it wrong.

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