Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Weinberg angle or weak mixing angle

My theory of counting has to explain this.  I tell you the truth, I would just go thru the various matrices until I found some combination of 2,2,3,3,7,11; in some form where i would expect a ratio of nulls or wave, between the electron, photon (as they call it) and the bosons they make fractions with. Thos numbers are the factors of powers  at (3/2)^108 and (1/2 + sqrt(5)/2)^91

That would be cheating, that would be me searching a finite set of numbers generated by physicists, until I found the match.  There are few choices, all the choices have to make Compton identity true with the corresponding wave having maximum kinetic energy less than half.  Then I would look down the spectral chart and make sure it bounds the atomic orbitals by best wave/null ratio match.  Then I verify that it did indeed knock off the magnetic mass ratio and packed the electron with one sixth of the next  wave number; making sure the charge per atom matches that actual count of vacuum bubbles.  I would intelligently 'guess' and find the right answer because Weinberg already did the work. But the mixing angle should be close in relationship to the derived value of space impedance for EM wave, for a plane wave, since they are using sine cosine.

But my theory will get the answer, it is the theory of counting things up.

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