Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Multiply and the largest kinetic energy

a Shannon encoder makes the fewest packed Nulls and the most trapped waves.  In other words, it gives you a guarantee, no fractions greater than one half between packed null. So, it decorrelated kinetic from potential, the packed null. Trapped wave is will chase null, along the axis of symmetry, over one sequence. Packed Null will orbit. There sum, anywhere on the axis, less than N +-1/2N.

Better counting, using the multiply to keep the kinetic decorrelated from the signal. The most efficient form, powers the trapped wave to use prime number wave mode, counting fractions, of an order N that matches the orbit at order M.

Why not use primes for packed null? Packed null is slower, it is packed with phase. We get the density of primes crossed with a strong divisibility divisor. The prime chart, will tell you, Higgs at 107, wave only. And about ten or so prime spots. All this is algebra, a map we can use to count hyperbolics, matter and wave,  b^N +- w^M.  The axis of symmetry are the orders and shifts by which you count, they appear as offsets and orders in the series expansion, in the grammar of this algebra.

In this algebra, convolve the Fibonacci quant over the prime density, and watch the wave/null equality difference, At prime 13*7, you get this big jump in accuracy, that means many multipliers of partial wave quants/Null quants.  That point will always be the same, below 107, because you are using my counter method. But it works.

The maximum point has the longest distance to the wave below, in prime size At that point, the fractionals will count to high, past the value 1/2. When that happens, the wave readjusts sample phase, and resumes, but at that moment is the entire whole number digit set, one less than the next prime, is filled with nulls. If there are enough spare, you get the next biggest packed null, otherwise you have hit the Higgs.

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