Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The theory of 'exception that proves the rule'

If one defines a relationship between two sets, and then proves it by defining all the possible violations of the relationship.  One finds that there are two outcomes, multiple, and uncountable violations are possible; or the set of violations is unitary or finite  and countable.

The latter proves the theory, it says the violations can be counted and isolated.

I say blockchain is a multiple access database protocol, used specifically for ledger services in the sandbox.  Bitcoin, and its subordinate fork, bitcoin cash, are central bank ledger services, they count the quantities of money moved between fiat domains.  This forces the central banks to quit marching up the Markov tree and attempting trilemmas.

But central banks are the only issuers of trilemma fiat, by definition of central bank.  Hence, this is likely the only system needed to hedge central banks and fiat currency.  Fiat hedging is only condition under which blockchains need to count money. I can further show, that within some very small degree of accuracy, I can add 'delete' to blockchain on old sequences long since vanished, showing that bitcoin is an escrow service not a compressible pit function. It compresses prices via ledger fees.

Bitcoin really is the exception that proves the rule. other than bitcoin, all pricing relies, ultimately, on S&L price compression, which we automate. All digital coins, except bitcoin, need S&L tech behind it, especially the discount coins. Remember discount coins have high bit error, but are  used by consortia involved in an isolated, specialized supply chain.

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