Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Yes, and Equifax thieves use my account ID on a day to day basis

Huma Abedin forwarded a trove of sensitive emails to her personal Yahoo account, including passwords to government systems - before every single Yahoo account was affected by a massive hack conducted by a Russian security expert employed by the same Moscow bank former President Bill Clinton gave a $500,000 speech to in 2010, according to Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller.
Government specifies that the systems be hackable, you idiots.  Who started releasing e mails? The FBI, from Hillary's server.  Systems are hackable, by design.  The FBI goes to Congress and demands the systems be hackable so criminals can get our accounts.

The sandbox wants out of this issue entirely. The sandbox can prove fraud is a bounded opportunity and controlled. The Fed needs to use its position and insist that monetary networks are exempt from the spy laws.

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