Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Amazon patents the cage

The original patent documents depict a cage designed to carry employees around warehouses. The idea is that as warehouses become crowded with robots whizzing around carrying out tasks, it may be safer for humans to navigate these workspaces in an enclosed box.
Someone made a movie about slaveholders carrying slaves in cages, in 1960 I think.  Jeff can go find those people and take their inheritance for not realizing they were using a future patent.

But the idea goes back to Roman times, I hear.  So, Italy can just send Jeff a check for ten billion to cover it the ancient use of slave cages.

I claim the patent for people drinking from a cup while walking around warehouses. "Methods and apparatus for delivering nutritional liquids in a warehouse environment". So, all you Amazon employees, just send me a check now, why make the patent office go the the hassle of guaranteeing that my patent is not common knowledge.

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