Friday, September 7, 2018


Urgent Actions Are Needed to Address Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Nation

OK, a good read, They have a neat chart below.  But we know the answer, we are not secure until we have the secure 'contract' manager in our hand held card.  That means letting a processor make and keep secret its own private key.  

The FBI don't like this.  My compamise has always been, we limit the activity to short, cash transactions, at maximum entropy making it difficult as a messaging service.  We can enforce that, by contract.  Guv make a deal with the foundries.

My claim is if you let us have this, then guv is still even with the money landerers, neither gains an advantage and to the best channel surfer catches the thief.  Do this, really, let the processor keep its own secret.

What we gonna do? We have no choice, this is full sandbox time.

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