Tuesday, June 11, 2019

California's dumbshit legislature

California’s crusade to turn its electricity grid green is running into an increasingly serious obstacle: PG&E Corp.’s bankruptcy.The utility last week won a key court ruling when a bankruptcy judge said federal regulators can’t stop PG&E from unraveling billions of dollars worth of pricey contracts to buy electricity from solar and wind farms and other renewable energy sources.Although PG&E said it hasn’t decided whether to walk away from those deals, it fought for the legal right to do so. Green-energy advocates say PG&E’s efforts are casting a cloud over their entire industry and will make it harder to borrow money for future projects, whether it’s PG&E or some other utility buying the power.That, in turn, would imperil California’s plans — mandated by the Legislature — to phase out fossil fuels in electricity generation in the coming years.

They have been brow beating this utility for 20 years, caused the energy crisis in 2001, the legislature is primary responsible for the forest fires via restrictions on PGE.  Now the legislatures are at it again, the result the same; driving the energy network to a shutdown.   Calizuela is unable to learn, we have reached the limit of our collective intelligence. Henceforth, expect Calizuela to stumble along, much like Mexico.

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