Thursday, June 20, 2019

It seems to me...

Florida city agreed to pay $600,000 in ransom to hackers who took over its computer system, the latest in thousands of attacks worldwide aimed at extorting money from governments and businesses.The Riviera Beach City Council voted unanimously this week to pay the hackers' demands, believing the Palm Beach suburb had no choice if it wanted to retrieve its records, which the hackers encrypted. The council already voted to spend almost $1 million on new computers and hardware after hackers captured the city's system three weeks ago.
The trick is to assign people the authority to make material changes in the system, then prove that only they have modified the system using person ID cars.

The URL systems uses this technique, it is cheap.  Forget NSA, screw their rules. Go to the Internet URL manager and get the name of the company that distributes person ID badges with secure interlock. Add  a hundred grand in system updates, maybe? It the IT guy cannot figure it out, fire him.  Alternatively, I might ask, if the URL system has solved the problem then why is there no start up solving this problem for all government?

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