Thursday, June 13, 2019

She plans to clobber us with our tenth tax increase in a row

Unthinkable: Could Kamala Harris Finish Fourth … In California?

And we are in the middle of a tax rebellion in Calizuela. 

On the same day in November we are expected to vote for two tax increases, hers and the legislators' prop 13 revision!  And we get this hit because someone picked her as the latest affirmative action senator?

No way, she is tax, tax, tax. This is  mostly about LA having some real Mexico City type legislatures who are blowing the budget down there.  The first thing folks want to do, sell their house in LA and escape. They cannot do that with Gavin and Kamala hitting us with all these taxes. We still have taxes due for the one million sick children Gavin invited for free medical care.

We are in rebellion in Calizuela, just like Venezuela; and actual rebellion.  Kamala is our target.

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