Thursday, June 20, 2019

Stupid is as stupid does

Just when you think things in the city of Los Angeles couldn’t be any more dysfunctional, they manage to take the cake yet again. The City Council is seriously kicking around a new tax on property owners for leaving homes vacant.Just think of it as the “Tom Bodett tax” — either landlords leave the light on for ya, or they pay up.City Councilmen Mike Bonin, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Paul Koretz and David Ryu have asked city staffers to come up with a plan for an “empty homes penalty” or vacancy tax.“No bed in this city should be empty when people are being forced to sleep on pavement. … Empty-home penalties encourage landlords to keep people housed, and they help raise needed funds to create more affordable housing. This is an important tool for addressing one of the root causes of homelessness in L.A., and it is a step we desperately need to take,” Bonin said.
LA City councilman has no clue. Pass the tax and all the rooms will be full with temporary friends of the landlord.  This is absolutely unenforceable and causes more homelessness, not less. 
What is this all about? LA Garcetti is going to face recall, it is going to be easy gathering signatures when the LA city government just created a humongous mess.

LA is fucked, the guilty parties are the LA city council and Mayor Garcetti.  It is going to be a mess, a mess on the scale of Tijuana.

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