Sunday, July 14, 2019

A possible agreement on data security

We can solve an NSA conflict on encryption. The NSA needs personal, biometric encryption to protect government data, cheaply. The NSA does not want that in public general use. So the foundries concepe, NSA data encryption must be registered, or secure ID will not comply. Coase, once again.

In sandbox, we do not care, we already agreed to a $100 limit on bearer assets in our iPods. We also agree not to use iPods for data encryption, except when registered with NSA.  Make this concession, government needs secure ID to protect data, and this internal conflict holds up sandbox. Sandbox just wants that $100 in bearer assets and biometrics; sandbox be happy, and the NSA is still invited into the process start to finish. It is all about provability, entry and exit, and shortening the path. Nothng to hide.

The rule is that spectre compliant data encryption, except as needed for economic transactions,  returns an error unless the NSA ledger approves the key. That gets built in at the foundry. $100 and 256 chars of text, limts to the transaction bearer asset.  Larger bearer assets result in a ledger call. Over the counter assets trades treated the same, obey standard sandbox ledger rules.

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