In dealing with the expensing of Constitutional restrictions, we conclude that in the infinite, Euler equilibrium, we get a flat, white noise tax on transaction for pay for the Constitutional wedges. But we are not equilibriated at Euler infinity.
The tax is thus, hedged, in the sandbox, and thus will be betable and variable, the trade between mean and variance goes on. If we allow this, then we are back to a simpler three color, the variable tax is immediately devoted to wiping our debt, at the New Fed pit boss level.
But we have to convince Thomas and the Supremes that we can assign taxation without representation for a 15 year period under bound deviation to a quasi, non-profit mostly private foundation. I would think Thomas would accept time limited and bounded as sufficient for a Congressional contract. The Contract still has 'Cancel on demand by Congress', that is the expense, the monopoly bribe to Congress.
This will pass muster, this is a better first shot and tech should aim here first, the minimal optimum, it should be unique. Uniqueness is a legal argument, it tells Thomas that this is the least costly method of making government bonds sacred, the only path that meets the 14th, we reverse the argument. New Fed becomes, still, the most competitive central bank around, and everyone will want iPods, lots of them.
Why is everything slightly variable?
Because we have to send the map. If the tax is perfectly flat, we forget why we pay it, trend deviates and we get an arbitrage. Sending the map is equivalent to adding a half point of sigma to our bounds, we are risk flat within that bound when risk is optimally spread in the channel. Spreading risk it equivalent to making the velocity equation accurate.
Sandbox engineers find the minimal tree, and make a trading machine to pack that into a multi-colored channel. Make that tree manage a flow. In this case, we introduce the monetary tax tree, a smaller, but persistent generator built behind the New Fed monopoly. The New Fed monopoly is the order, a contracted priority for our little tax tree to take first peek at the S/L boards. The pit boss collaborates a bit with that color, unfairly but publicly, by legal contract.
Handling profits
The firm, as a channel packer, has reserved the third or fourth color for a profit generator, with the same algebraic properties, so it is independent of bit error; unlike the New Fed cheat. The assumption is that the optimum firm is the minimal spanning tree, no purposeful skew induced. There is a design set, provable in sandbox, and all of this appears in over the counter, Spectre contracts, bearer assets within the liqidity net. The calls to public, trusted ledger result in a queue; two of them, one to register, and the more expensive queue to recall one step in a timeout. It all revolves down to priceable queues, and from their, finding the loops and skew and rebalancing the trees to make them minimal, eliminating arbitrage.
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