Thursday, July 11, 2019

Let us get a ruling

Have the Fed burn one of its treasuries, and the House can sue (or a bank? or someone?). What is no one cared? The Supremes cannot rule unless there is an injured party, we cannot fake it like in Citizen's United. We burn a bond and look the world over for someone who gives a fuck. Then get a ruling.

At least we get a decision, no matter how nonsensical our Supremes. We get an answer, we can move on; even move on and let the Fed rot is fine. Or, keeping burning bonds and measure the queue of people who give a fuck, that works. Whoops, that was the original idea.

Why five color?

Because the New Fed is not on the gold standard, it  does not transport gold over a channel. The New Fed is a synthetic gold hedge. It is really buying and selling golr certificates from the precious metals market. So the New Fed has a generator for the gold market, and it is a big hedge player. It steals liquidity from the gold market and sells it to the New Fe3d S/L market. It is again in the business of matching skew between two generators, but count the skews. S,L,Gin, Gout. The New fed synthetic hedge balances four, but bump that to the next prime. The reserved space goes to the bit error, and it promises not to be white noise, all the while. We get a slightly different formulation, the bit error function works from a set of optimums, relative to our gold account, the bit error is a bit of a profit generator to cover Fed defaults.

Looking closer, I have this generator, and each time I adjust the skew toward balance, I revert back to trend default, as per contract. Given the extra dimension, the Fed has a gain control, telling the generator how many node exchange to take toward balance. Then that generator algebraically packed with the other four into the fixed bandwidth channel.

I have a Banana prize for the solution, like our fifth Banana in sandbox theory. An explicit quantum mechanical problem.

Contrast that with the original plot. The New Fed packed three queues, the S,L,and Burn queue, three exactly, and a bit error.  It is times like this when we need a Roberts to either reverse the 1935, or make new law. Like, can we legislate the simpler theory? Deja vu, I went through the same trauma going from two to three color. Where is that five color guy?

The New Fed will be in bed with the gold market, in the commutative chaos. The Fed will induce a liquid gold delivery service, by the pure size of the fed. A two way synthetic hedge, open and observed, but preserved by a monopoly tax, a form of spectral containment, a five color for chrisakes. The metals market, be damned, full speed ahead.

If we have a solution, even numerical at run  time, then take no gain but adjust two taxes, the right to coin tax and the 14th tax. Explain the unfortunate, and take the dough, pay off bonds in one transaction.. Teach the kids to think quantum mechanical, which of all the solutions fits the bounds. The tax on that basis, and monetary energy tax. Burt our problem, trying to get our brains around the concept of rescaling to solve the boundary condition.

Equal observeability make the error term common for all, under the other assumption of free entry and exit. Sandbox is all about maintaining that to a error to a bound, and it appears everywhere in channel packers, or sphere packers. Always look for the point in an enterprise where the flows get traded, queue up. It is thus maximizing entropy, then the minimal configuration has a unique solution. with no loop when mapped to a generator of the type we use.

We are reversed, the constitution is an infinite hard bound, debt money is the hard money.

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