Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, called Sunday for a federal investigation and charges against Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler after an attack on a conservative journalist by antifa activists during one of the city’s frequent protests.“To federal law enforcement: investigate & bring legal action against a Mayor who has, for political reasons, ordered his police officers to let citizens be attacked by domestic terrorists,” Mr. Cruz tweeted.Portland declares civil war. The Texans want Oregon nuked. How about some extraordinary rendition? Or, how about we turn Oregon into a refugee camp?
- 14,476 Estimated 2018 Oregon homeless population
- 1 in 4 Number of homeless Oregonians who are in households with children
- 10 Percent increase in the number of homeless people in Multnomah County 2015–2017
The Sunday New York Times briefly trained a national spotlight on Oregon's underfunded public pension fund and the impact that increased pension payments are having on government employers around the state, despite increased overall budgets.Oregon, the new refugee camp of America. Can we start sending our LA overflow up there? Oregon is essentially doomed.
It's a seemingly perennial problem in Oregon, and has become a third rail of state, and in some cases, family politics.
Consequently, as The Oregonian/OregonLive has covered extensively and The Times story noted, required contributions from public employers are going way up, displacing cops, teachers, school days and every other form of public service around the state. One expert has called it "a moral issue" for the state.
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