Saturday, April 5, 2014

Quantizing for quarks

Thanks to the physicists, we have a grouping for quarks, against which I can test the quantization algorithm in my colliditron.

My complete sequence of 108/91 bits is sorted, and we lose the top 6 or so wave quants.  Looking at the complete sequence, I can see the obvious group break points for quarks in the top 36 bits, they are three groups where two wave quants match a single null quant.  They break the top 36 into three groups of 12 each.  These 36 bits have to be filled, 12 each. But we get one free bits, I think, in each 12 group for spin, since two quarks in each of the 12 will have a combined spin quant. Then we need 9 bits in each group for nulls, and that leaves 2 bits in each group for up/down and charm/strange.

The whole 36 bits will look like:

(3/2)**(N1-N2) where the N2 are all the bits in the least significant position that are Shannon separated. So the noise in the Shannon equation are all the lower bits. Over the 36 bits, the 3/2 rule must be kept, but because of the separation and the light sample rate, we get free play with the gluons to make color.

The only condition on gluons is they have to meet the Shannon condition within each of  the three groups, as long as they are Shannon separated from the lower 72  bits. The paired quarks must be matched by the gluons, and that is two gluons for each of the 12 bit groups.  I should be able to get probabilities of matches by formulating with the Shannon separation, though I have not worked that out.

Yes, I think my colliditron can do all this, it should draw out the bit sequences in order, working from the most significant down. Charm, and spin should come out as wave bits unmatched to Nulls.

Anyway, the collidtron is stable enough to start experiments at half power.  Not yet ready to turn it on full blast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's fabulous book of the Software Society.Software and Economics is so good.