Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My colliditron was half power

I'm gonna need to double my sequence. That was 80 power, got to run them up to at least the constants for this one.  So I am thinking to myself, the quarks musta ate a half a Higgs.

Here, a little piece of vacuum looking for Shannon condition, the bold thing. I cannot see how the vacuum is smarter than a spreadsheet macro. I keep up to four quuantizers set up on the spreadsheet, the order here is 79, and it just fits on my 80 sample sequence. The vacuum runs at 108. 

One my spreadsheet is a variable array, current force, decomposed, bit and an input. For each bit, and I make sure it runs in the proper sequence.
Nature is well quantized.

function Quantize(n as integer,force as double)
Dim x0 as double
Dim m as integer
x0= 0
bits(n) = 0
if (Nquants > 0 and quants(n) > 0) then
m = Nmin
if (abs(force - m*quants(n))) < 1 then
x0 =  x0 + m*quants(n)
bits(n) =m
m = Nmax-1
loop until m = Nmax
Quantize =x0
end Function

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