Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why Baryon number?

The number comes because 2/3 of the vacuum volumes are phase. Those quant powers have to match light which needs to combine nulls as Fibonacci sums.
If  phase quantized at rates lower than Fibonacci than no packed nulls would remain stable, constantly being taken apart and put together. It is quantized at rates higher, then it would over pack and phase would never balance with a deficit of nulls. So the vacuum volume sizes equalize to these natural rates and vacuum density is stable. the volume determines sample rates because of relaxation times per sample is proportional to volume. And the three volume sizes are there because that produces the minimal number of samples for the task, it is maximum entropy.

Here are my restrictions on quantum numbers for subatomic particles. based on quantization noise:

91     9.22769139322099E-0050

Look at the plank error at plus or minus the integer order of the light quantization. The third column. That is the quantization error with any matched order of Null. The next spot down where the vacuum can reasonably co quantize phase and null is order 75, and mass is order 90, a multiple of 2,3 an 5. The next spot after that is 64. The Plank ratio seems to be about (1/2+sqrt(5)/2)** 75 samples per Plank distance. I think Plank is measuring the wavelength of the two top gluons, multiplied. That is, the two gluons are combined in a multi-mode wave, inside of a proton maybe? Then we a third, going down, at 59.

I am almost sure the electron will be at 48.

Going up from 91 we get 107, beyond which I don't operate, but that might be an unstable Higgs wave. After than I see nothing.

Can that be broken? Only if you deform the vacuum, and change the speed of light. The null quantization level at that point is all multiples of 2 and 3. The vacuum is stuck. That quantization rate is the smallest  wavelength of light is 1/[(1/2+sqrt(5)/2) ** -91, in units of samples times the plank ratio.

My spreadsheet is computing (3/2)**N  = (1/2+sqrt(5)/2)**M, N integer, M real; and then taking the nearest integer to M and seeing what the exponent error is from the real number M; int(M) -M. The M at 91 and N at 108 correspond to plank of about 2% error. And the order seems to match the relative orders of proton, electron and magnetic; and mostly fit all the way down to gravity. As well, the 3/2 makes all the particle quants work.

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