Sunday, April 26, 2020

435 Congressional districts, a constant

What does introducing a constant into the economy mean? Not sure, but here is another interesting fact.

50,000 car deaths was out limit.  55000 viet soldiers dead, 60,000 fewer people die in recession. 55,000 Corona deaths, 60000 fewer deaths in a recession..

At some number we put our foot down, or do we? Why would culture acquire a constant? Is it the number of complaints a Congress critter can mange? Is it related to the bandwidth of the office?

Consider AOC, quite deranged of late. Her bandwidth is consumed by her mom and pops wanting some cash.   It gets widespread, they hear about trillions in misspent defense money and flood their system. But N,, it is growing still.  AOC has the 'I am not taking this any more".

Then they get calls enormous about why the super wealthy get the inside deal on debt slinging. At some point we get a significant groups back there with the rebellion fever down. It is amorphous, muddy brown, and the two party system spend time underneath the sewage level back there.

It is not a rebellion, actually, just a sudden acceptance to have the meeting of the elders.  Johnson,Nixon; great boneheads of all time, leading to the meeting of the elders, or in Nixon's case, drinks and a gold repricing at the White House.

The solution, of course, the House needs to buy off the state capitals, as the Constitution implicitly specifies. Get the government out of the ear mark business. What these Congress critters are hearing mostly is the unfairness and bad policy of the ear mark business, get out of it. The House member then knows that much of those calls are bad Senate and should be referred back to the state capital where they are hedged. Abstract tree, constrained channel needs encoder, and this is the proper mechanism. The tree trunk is rounded, complaints then become equally independent events for all three parties. Pay off the state capitals, pay the price of the Constitution and quit adding states if it worries you. For economists we are adjusting the government value chain to make inventory stable.

The House applies energy from the taxpayer. The energy becomes the value chain hedge, the Senator is free to make government work without being pestered by the state capital and their interest groups. Makes it quite a bit more efficient, politicians getting paid for being a bit smarter and a bit more honest.

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