Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Another make stuff up Supreme justice

New York City Thwarts the Second Amendment Revolution
But Brett Kavanaugh is itching to expand the right to bear arms ASAP.
There is ambiguity in the second, and whatever this simple minded fool wants us to believe will be overturned once again.  It is now Roberts, Sotomayor and Kragen in full make shit up mode, the Supremes will be jamming the courts for decades with confusion.  Kavamaugh does not have the brains to solve this problem.

The ambiguity is between our right to a regulated militia and what that means.  It means, via interstate commerce, that our official police forces need manufactures with the right to bear.  That is the strict definition, and adding a bunch of ignorant yahooism helps no one. Suggest the other Supremes star getting clues about what nutcase make shit up does to the court system.

Otherwise, I suggest a dis union as I cannot see the Constitution holding together with a make shit up judges. The alternative is that we just ignore the law and hide from the sheriff when they come for our property because of some make shit up ruling.  We have that problem in spades n California where the lawyers get continuing free passes to sue whoever they want.

Seriously, do we think Kavanaugh has the brains to figure out something new? We are dealing with 250 years of unresolved issues, I doubt a college kid will fix the mess.

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