Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jeff Flake, retired politician


"I don’t know anyone who thinks that this is the future of the party"

Bitching on Trump.OK, what is the future of the party?

Bush doing oil deals?  Alzheimer's presidents? Nixon? Little Bush running the economy inot the ground? Id is John McCain blowing 4T in boguse military spending?  Tom Cotton kicking CHinese out of Sooner football games?  

Explain to me how any of these small Repub states have a chance of electing a smart senator. occasionally we see exceptions, but Wyoming, and its 500k souls would struggle to find anyone who can decode the Swamp, my home town cannot and we are the same size.

If Jeff Flake had anything worthwhile to say, then write an op ed and I will read it. Otherwise, Jeff is just another confused politicians who fails to understand this government structure. We tire of these idiots, in both parties.

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