Tuesday, April 28, 2020

My Covid beleifs

I believed this corona was like the others and likely minimized to Asia.

So I read the news but basically ignored it as I had no opinion.  Then I began to read the technical literate and discovered the vaccine is not the solution, the severe allergic reaction in a small proportion of the population was the problem.

I let my search engine to the thinking, and it worked. One can actually drill down and find out what is happening.

Then I discovered economic modelers using Markov theory to find equilibriums and was astounded, wonderfully elated that some one can actually find likely equilibrium conditions. And that led me back to work a little more on self sampling systems. Now I want the text book written so we do not have to deal with the flat earth society.

Now we have the piling on problem and cannot distinguish the path to normality, we are spending time in a one color system with no path back. We will have the meeting of the elders,  slightly sooner than expected.

Ten years of flat earthers and all we did was another round around the loop. We cannot continue the ignorance.

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