Wednesday, April 29, 2020

All that affirmative action and we get another dirty old man

Despite Trump’s drop in approval, former Vice President Joe Biden maintains only a 6 point lead in the Presidential ballot test, 48% to 42%. This is the same numerical difference as last month’s poll, where Biden led Trump 53% to 47%. Ten-percent (10%) of voters said they were undecided, but when asked to choose a candidate they were leaning towards, undecided voters slightly broke in favor of Biden, 56% to 44%, giving Biden an additional 1 point advantage.
There is a reason, as Kamala learned.

Affirmative action appointees have one skill, their race or gender by definition.  If failure to bathe was an affirmative action event I would be your nominee.
Much like Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016, his supporters aren’t hugely excited about voting for him.
And according to the latest Emerson College Polling’s survey, Democrats appear to be throwing in the towel. While Biden leads President Trump in a head-to-head matchup, 48%-42%, when voters overall were asked who they really think will win in November, it’s a Trump blowout, 57%-43%. …
Emerson found that Trump has a sizable 19-point advantage in the enthusiasm gap, 64%-45%. Some 36% of his supporters said they are “extremely excited” to vote for Trump, 28% said they are “very excited.” For Biden, those numbers are 22% and 23%.
But the Trump enthused are mostly the small states. Trump automatically loses NY and CA.  He will have a even vote in Florida.  The polls in Florida show Biden mostly ahead by 2 or 3 points. If Trump loses Florida, his case is hopeless, so expect a lot of government giveaways and earmarks for Florida.

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