Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Marx and Markov

OK we are back to Klings three axis system.  When it is not supported we drop own to the two axis, two party system.

This is what Marx says will happen.

The difference is multiplicity. The three axis system offers 2*3*5, or 30 ways to count the Avogadro. That becomes 30 spots on the markoiv tree we can superimpose via commutativity.

Marx says we cannot get an Avaogrado to fit in any society, so we drop to the 2D system which has five different positions on the 2D tree.  Marx's world has many fewer social distinctions. It is a world in which any of the five groups will engage in a transaction with a like minded group, immediately.  There is little storage in the form of Bosons. This is not a complex society, more tribal.

The 3D society has thirty digits of  three bit precision, the 2D has five twos bits of precision.  It would be difficult to get up  poker game as one would have to include someone dirt poor or someone filthy rich.
The state/house mismatch is a two color problem. The large states need fewer interaction with the executive,the smallest states need many more. Hence the earmark problem.

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