Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Chris Mathews vs Joe Biden

Journalist Details Latest ‘Very Credible’ Corroboration of Biden Allegations

Joe cops a feel.
Chris took the same attitude I would have. "Sure, I was an asshole and I deserve this". I give great credit to Chris, he knows a bit about our hangups, accepts the consequences.  
Put Chris  back on, though he is still a rant n raver.

Have I been caught in a similar situation?  My emotional hangups are Catholic repressed and come out as a general rebellion against authority. So, yes,  got myself fired, justifiably, many times. Though I do know that many of the companies who fired me failed soon after. Often I would take matters in my own hand and quit. I never grew up, actually, still an adolescent.

The difference between Joe and my problem is the grandchild, I would have grabbed up a grandchild if one was presented, that was a good thing. But when one has the Mommy problem a bunch of good stuff passes you by.

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