Monday, April 20, 2020

Atomic orbitals

These the case where the proton charge updates are biased up, the electrons down.  Bu the ratio of fermions to bosons is still known, in the aggregate. Bu each electron has a specific nubver of interactions with the prroton.   These interactions must be a closed group, radially symmetric and ih surface areas equally colored.

o, for any energy level in the one electron situation we know the fermions to boson ratio, and we know the conic angle allocated.  At the any ardail surface out the density of updaes goes as radius squared.   At each radial increment, the normal fermion to boson condition is met, but  in each short volume of that, the femion ratio matches the paritcurar orbit.

So, we compute a conic of the right abnle that gives the volume needed tfor the orbatl.  Re reduce resolution to match the actul number of updates.  We march up rh radil and assign our bfermion and magnetic adjustments.

The electron should be slightly off kilter and never collapse charge, always spin. so we can count bosons with the proton.

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