Monday, April 13, 2020

I am not a big fan of republicans either

Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future

Krugman's book subtitle, he don';t like republicans.

Actually the government structure is unstable, it cycles. That is what Krugman is angry about, all of his Keynesias theory assumes a stable government that does not cycle.

Finding the cost of government stability and paying the price is what Krugman does not want, it puts another budget item above his priors. So he is stuck being a pundit and his real economics career is over.

The young Keynesians are getting small clues that government is more skewed then the illusion.

Take the Trump's oil tariff threat. That is unstable government in that two or three states were in desperate shape if oil production collapses.  Krugman says this is undemocratic, though he blames political money.  Yes, it is undemocratic, yes is is unstable, but the senate requires it and Krugman has no desite to tackle the senate/House gap in perceptions.

No delusion fixes the unstable error in the constitution, we will cycle. The partial solution is to bet the cycles, pay the cost. Neither side will give up the illusion of stable government, and both sides are averse to be the first to admit to instability as both sides are still angling for bailouts.

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