Thursday, April 9, 2020

I have to do some mansplaining

The Small-Business Loan Extension: Another Excuse to Increase Spending?

VERONIQUE DE RUGY  suffers from a bit of priors.

The bailouts almost always start among the small state repub senators whose state is generally in an existential crises when the money runs out, every eight years.  That is you and your set of readers, there Veronique, the National Review folks start the bailout process.

In this case, the small state repubs and the National Review need to bail out the 4 trillion in useless hardware purchased by these dumbshit repub small state senators, their state cannot pay for National Review spending plans.

Anyway, Nancy jumps in as she represents the democratic House, rather than the Republic senate, she has to balance the two streams as they are incompatible. But no  one on the National Review, nor any of the Keynesians nor Veronique has a clue how to deal with this problem, so the repub dipshits end up first in the stimulus line which is a piece of horse manure that Nancy corrects.

My suggestion is to shut down the National Review, they are as useless rot, like  the Keynesians. Let us put the mathematicians in charge and we can fix this a bit with shadow banking. Shadow banking is not subject to the ignorant fraudster policy makers we see, like you.

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