Sunday, April 12, 2020

Obamacare dunnit

2019 was worst year for US rural hospital closures in a ...

This is Bernie and why he wants medicare for all, he is fixing the Obamacare blunder and wants to bypass state lines with direct federal action.

And, Berrnie could have figured this out before he voted for Obamacare and saved us the 1 trillion in start up costs. The state of Vermont needs to arrest Bernie on involuntary manslaughter for being a dunce and not understanding our government.

Nancy was a dunce on this, completely oblivious to the state mismatch problem. She should be arrest and and tried for involuntary manslaughter.

The priors crowd claim is was small states refusing medicaid, nothing of the sort. The small states knew well before they could not compete with Obamacare, exiting the poor people business was their only choice. Now we are sending all the poor to the UCLA medical center from around the country, and Newsom and the priors crowd can suffer the consequences.

I think the virus taught us one thing about federal medicine, shut down Obamacare ASAP.

I guess Krugman must have a shit load of 'This time is different' posts.  Just remember, for Krugman this is his fourth of fifth time discovering the same uniqueness. He has a short memory and his theories are foul.

Why does the American intelligentsia deal with the priors crowd? Science gets stopped terribly, The priors crowd have held back the science of economics for decades.

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