Monday, April 20, 2020

So the general theory of relativity

Is to make   x4 + y4 + z4 = w work with whatever 'N' the system needs.  What this\ is is another w which synchronizes partition firings, and add this to the error generator, you dump Boltzman but get a local translation into a scaled 3D system, all the axis now have the same resolution.  You are artificially removing all the moment differences, assuming each is an exact scale of the other.  This model is unstable in reality as N can increase indefinitely with Plank at zero. This is Newton's world.

AT the boundary of 5D, I expect the system will pass through 4D and see explosive squishy division which hen cannot be curved back and we bounce off the barrier. There is no smooth transition. Imagine, everywhere, the speed of light doubled and everything became a series of explosively growing particles, three types., trying to build this massively square system until the particles become massive enough to trigger a five peak alias.   I doubt it, we are talking order of magnitude greater than Avaadro, but you tell me different.

The five queues have to be relatively prime, 1,2,3,5 and the last is a free N adjustment, but close to 7.

Now, what is the probability that four updates to spin are in there queue while 4 are in the last queue? You need an extremely large N to get a good number, these are not, in the end, real distributions, they are all fixed counts giiven by the five color algorithm.   These rare firings must happen in the proper count, that means very good stability on Avagadro and a very much smaller Plank.

The first to take the new five coloring algorithm and decides if it is stable in N get a Nobel. One can see the error coder will grow as:

A two split, then a three split, then a five split, then a seven split. I grows factorialy and is pruned by the moment removing processes. Its pruning will make that tree look very logarithmic in form. The longest path looks increasingly like a divide by zero.  The longest path updates a huge chunk of N. The shortest updates very tiny chunks of this huge N.

Not having looked, I guess the current five color scales in N, it is for a flat surface.  That rules out any known 5D universe. I am with Steve Hawkins, Black Hole leak, they hit the 4D barriers and eject some N.

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