Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What is the complaint Menzie

Says Wiki:
The U.S. government evacuates 195 State Department employees from Wuhan along with their families and other U.S. citizens to March Air Reserve Base near Riverside, California on January 29, where they are kept under quarantine for 14 days, although none had been infected.
Says ABC News:
“Analysts concluded [a novel coronavirus pandemic] could be a cataclysmic event,” one of the sources said of the NCMI’s report. “It was then briefed multiple times to” the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House.
From that warning in November, the sources described repeated briefings through December for policy-makers and decision-makers across the federal government as well as the National Security Council at the White House. All of that culminated with a detailed explanation of the problem that appeared in the President’s Daily Brief of intelligence matters in early January, the sources said. For something to have appeared in the PDB, it would have had to go through weeks of vetting and analysis…

Early Jan the Pres is briefed, three weeks later the airlift begins, the first ones out are not infected.  So to say anyone in the executive ignored the briefing is horse manure. One can say the White House was late to figure out what to do, but then no one was prepared, now were they?

One possible exception is the Black Swan hedge fund, their bet came through. At the time I figured it was another MERS or SARS, I took a month off with Luddite fever and said who cares, didn't know the catastrophe until I logged back in.

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